lathe are the most commonly used machine for mechanical job work used in all type of industry, work shop for provide finishing to job, it is also called mother machine tool. Lathes machine and its part function play major for developing work piece into correct shape. lathe come in existence at ancient times later Russian engineer invented lathe which involved gear, cutting tool along with mechanical component.
for forming cylindrical job lathe are used, material removal take place in the form of chips in which job are fixed in chuck it can be rotated along horizontal and vertical direction, a single point cutting tools is used for material removal its rotation would be in radial direction
Lathes machine and its part function carry many operation such drilling, taper turning, boring, reaming,screw threading , grinding etc.
Types of Lathe-
according to application lathes are manufactured in different sizes as from small size to large size for industrial purpose.
1. Speed lathe
2. Bench lathe
3. Engine Lathe
4. Tool room lathe
5. Special Purpose Lathe
1. Speed Lathe-
Speed lathe is a simple type of lathe operated by hand it does not consist gearbox, carriage, lead screw. Their tool are fixed on a support and drive by hand.
speed lathe have a bed along with head stock and tail stock speed of work piece would be adjusted by cone pulley which is attached in head stock.
2. Bench lathe-
Bench lathe carried small engine & mounted on bench having all part are as similar to engine lathe.
most of their operation are matched to each other. Bench lathe are used for small and light work piece where accuracy need for finishing.
3. Engine Lathe-
an Engine Lathe is most popular Lathe used in industry for work piece development, electric motor or overhead shaft attached with belt are come in use for its driven
Engine Lathe consist component are head stock, tail stock, carriage and quick change gearbox.
Head stock and Tail Stock are mounted on a bed opposite to each other, Head stock carry gear or pulleys which drive work piece at different speed by electric motor
while tail stock move forward and backward to work piece for adjusting length of work piece
between Head stock and Tail stock the Carriage is mounted which contains cutting tools.
4. Tool Room Lathe-
a tool room lathe is a precision engine lathe with some additional attachment required for tool and die making
A tool room lathe having component as steady rest, quick change gears, lead screw, feed rod, tapper attachment, thread dial, chuck, draw in collect, attached and pump for a coolant.
A tool room lathe application are making highly accurate, low production work on small part like test gauge, dies, small tool etc.
5. Special Purpose Lathes-
a Special Purpose lathe are a lathe which are used for manufactured of those job not to be made by other lathe
Selection of Lathe-
lathe are available in many varieties according to their application it may be selected
If parts to be manufactured are very small then it would be assigned to engine lathe
A simple formal that used for lathe selection
Break even, B.E. = Ct/CA-CB
Where Ct is special tooling cost
CA is cost of machining per part on machine A.
CB is cost of machining per part on machine B
Main Parts of a Lathe-
Lathe consist many parts where their function of each part are play important role for final selection of job so that removal of material from work piece are carried out in easier manner.
1. Bed
2. Head stock
3. Tail stock
4. Carriage
5. Saddle
6. Apron
7. Cross-slide
8. Compound rest
9. Tool post.
1. Bed-
Bed mounted all part of lathe such as headstock, tailstock, carriage etc. and bear all loading capacity on itself.
When lathe operation going on bed provides stability to lathe.
Bed was designed in such manner so that it sustain vibration generated during operation.
2. Head stock-
Head stock mounted at left end of bed and contains gearbox supported by spindle so that work piece rotated at different speed.
The spindle is fixed with bearing in front of work holding device their axis are parallel to each other
3. Tail stock-
Tail stock located at right side of bed. It is not rotated part and can be adjusted as depend on the size of work piece.
Lateral movement are possible in lathe as tail stock mounted with adjusting screw.
When ever long work piece such as shaft are coming for machining tailstock provide support to the end of work piece.
4. Carriage-
Carriage hold cutting tool for machining operation and operate movement to cutting tool in both horizontal and vertical direction are called straight turning and facing respectively.
Carriage can moved by hand operated wheel between Head stock and tailstock.
5. Saddle-
Saddle mounted at the outer way of lathe bed and moved through manually or through power.
Saddle have cross-slide and compound slide with suitable tool post.
6. Apron-
Apron located in front of saddle and control carriage and the feed mechanism along with having gear.
7. Cross slide-
Cross slide mounted on carriage, cross slide function is to support compound slide and adjusting movement mechanism of cutting tool at right angle to the lathe center line.
8. Compound rest-
Compound rest are used for tapper or conical surface operation also support tool post.
Compound rest operated by hand wheel it has a circular scale that provide angle for work piece material removal.
9. Tool Post-
Tool Post hold many types of tool for providing cutting operation through cutting tool. The tool Post mounted on a compound slide
Tool Post moved with the help of compound slide, providing angle to job so that tool post rotating are possible.
Lathe are the most versatile machine tool used world wide conversion of work piece into required dimension are easily possible on lathe, cutting tool used are so advanced that provide desire result, proper finishing are achieve by lathe, its part, component are play important role for given work piece into accurate dimension.
Thanks for the post
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