
Lathe are the machine tool used to remove unwanted material from work piece and converted into required shape.  Lathe machine  Perform many types of  operation by rotating work piece on the axis of rotation and used different cutting tool so that it's operation are carried out. lathe accessories play an important role for completion of lathe operation. 

Most popular lathe operation  are

1. Centering Operation-

Work piece are held between center in this operation  a combination drill or counter sink are used. Operation are completed for small work piece there jaw chuck are used in which small portion of work piece are projected out from chuck. 

the work piece are start to  rotate and a combination drill & counter sink are mounted on the tail stock which are come in contact with work piece so that drilled are formed and thus operation completed.

2. Turning- 

By turning operation work piece are rotated and cutting tool are come in contact with external surface  and removal of material are done called turning.

3. Tapper Turning-

A cylindrical work piece converted into reduce in diameter through their length are called tapper operation.

 in these process angle are provided by cutting tool to the rotating work piece so that there would be reduction in diameter through out length are seen on work piece hence required dimension are formed by these operation.

 taper turning operation covert cylindrical shaped work piece to conical shaped.

tapper turning operation has both shape formed possibility as external tapper or internal tapper if the machining are done on external surface it is called external tapper and if the machining are going on inside surface it is called internal tapper.

4. Chamfering-

Chamfering are created at the end of turned diameter by single point cutting tools set at an angle and formed a bevelled edge at surface of work piece.

5. Thread cutting- 

There are various method to forming thread on work piece in which single point threading are most common by this method work piece are fixed on the chuck and single point cutting tool are used for generating thread on work piece also there are two type of cutting tool are used for thread cutting i.e partial cutting or full form cutting where partial cut are used for minor cut to the work piece and full form are used for both minor and large cut.

6. Facing-

Facing lathe operation are completed on both lathe and milling process. In this operation flat surface are produced on work piece where some time length reduction of work piece takes place. 

Facing operation done on part perpendicular to the axis of rotation of work piece by facing tool.
Facing are depend on type of work piece material, speed of rotation, cutter sharpness some time cutting tool sharpness are down due to continues cutting so that proper monitoring required to cutting tool.

7. Knurling- 

Knurling operation are used on lathe machine for produce of concave and bump shape on the surface of work piece.

Knurling operation start by using knurling tool, work piece are held on chuck and rotate at slow speed in this manner a knurling tool are come close to contact with work piece gradually apply pressure on surface of work piece so that by absorbing pressure the surface have deformed to its resultant shape.

These operation tightly clamped of work piece are very important and double wheel knurling tool are come in used which absorbed radial pressure.

8. Filing-

Filing operation are used for surface finishing purpose of work piece by this process excess amount of material removal take place and deburring of surface also occur. 

Filing on Lathe machine are completed by fixing work piece on chuck and rotated in slow speed
a file are held on hand and come contact with work piece where surface finishing required so that the material removal start and the operation are completed.

9. Polishing-

Polishing is also a surface finishing process, it is used for smoothing of work piece, it removes excess material, burrs from work piece. 

Polishing are completed by rubbing work piece with standard emery cloth, in this process the work piece are fixed on chuck and rotated a high grade emery cloth are put across work piece and thus polishing have  completed. 

10. Grooving-

Grooving operation are done by CNC Lathe where under cuts are from on work piece also reducing of diameter are take place, groove are formed on internal or external surface or face of work piece .
Grooving are dependent on which types of grooving tool used or which types of depth cut required, most common grooving tool are round grooving, vee grooving and square grooving. 


Lathe are called mother of all machine tool its include various types of operation where each operation are very useful for proper finishing of work piece and conversion of desired shape. skilled man power are required for lathe operation so that accurate  result are  obtained. 

Further Reading-

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