
 Lathes are a machine tool by which removal of material from work piece in form of chips through cutting tool take place. and provide a required dimension of job which are used for various machining process.

 Lathe consists many types of Lathe accessories and attachments on itself so that accuracy and working performance will be able to convert required shape of job.

Lathe Accessories- 

Lathes accessories and attachments play important role are for holding of cutting tool and work piece. main accessories are- 
 1. Centers
 2. Chucks 
3. Face plates 
4. Angle Plates
5. Mandrels 
6. Steady rest 
7. Follower rest 

1. Lathe Centers- 

most of time it may seen work piece brought at workshop may be of large size such as long shaft for machining those work piece Lathe Center are used for supporting in the tail stock. to prevent revolving of work piece there should be 60° point fit in center which is used for support of work piece.

 Lathe centers made of material such as carbon tool steel, high speed steel which has heat resistant property.

 there are also some common center available such as ball center  is used for turning tappers, half center is used for small diameter jobs, crotch center hold work piece for drilling other part than end, revolving center rotates with work piece, it help to reduce friction between center and the work piece. 

 2. Lathe Chucks- 

A chuck is a component which hold work piece of different shape by means of adjustable jaws. short, cylindrical, hollow object, irregular shape are mounted on chuck easily.

on head stock spindle of the lathe, chuck is attached holding work piece and rotate so that fixed cutting tool came in contact and removal of material in the form of chips will be done.

Chuck are of different types as- 

Three jaws chuck-

three jaws chuck hold work piece among three jaw and operated by Chuck keys. jaws are open or close uniformly, these type of chuck are used for cylindrical and hexagonal job.

Four jaws chuck- 

four jaws chuck are used for rectangular and irregular shapes, gripping power of chuck are very high and applicable for heavy cuts. 

3.Face Plate- 

Face Plate are come in used for holding work piece, consist of strong thick ribs on the back. slot are cut on the face so that nuts, bolts, clamps and angles are used for clamping. 

4.Angle Plate- 

some irregular work piece are not held by face plate so angle plate are used on face plate turning are possible and machining work are carried out.


Mandrels are used to machining hollow work piece along its entire length, it rotation is done with the help of lathe dog

6.Steady rest- 

 steady rest are used in a place where work which can not be supported by tail stock center, since its end may be drilled. steady rest also used when work does not support by Chuck and face plate. 

7.Follower rest- 

since steady rest is not fixed in one position and traveling along with cutting tool, follower rest are used for providing support at the time of cut, it is fixed on lathe-saddle.


Lathe covert work piece into desired shape with accuracy and this task would be easily possible with the help of different lathe accessories and attachment  when ever a Lathe operator going to start lathe operation, he always check Lathe accessories since proper finishing are very important for achieving correct result.

Further Reading-

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